Gou Anjing, Yan Qiongfang, Liang Xinyue
Inthecourse ofone-hundred-yearstruggle, the Chinese Communists haveformed dozens
ofrevolutionary spirits and built up the spiritual pedigree ofthe Chinese Communists. In the sustainable
development ofthe spiritual pedigree, some specificrevolutionaryspirits were mainlycreated by excellent
peoplefrom bashuregion directly, or bredinthe great practice ofthestruggleinthisregion. Thesubjec-
· 1 ·tive and objectiveconditions ofsome otherspirits were notlimitedto aspecificarea or people, whereas Sichuan-Chongqing region andits people have played animportant role inits formation. In general, Sichuan-Chongqing region has made great contributions to the formation of the spiritual pedigree of the
Chinese Communists. These great revolutionary spirits have changed the face of Bashu culture, which
made Bashu culture more sacred afterinheriting the characteristics of magic, mystery and beauty. In the
journey of building a modernsocialistcountry, Sichuan-Chongqingregionandits peopleshouldertheresponsibilityto pass on and carryforwardtherevolutionary spirit created bytherevolutionary ancestors.